Crocus Collage

A sunny, bright, dry day here with a bit of heat in the sun.  We walked along to St Monans and back in the morning, then played in the park for a while.  When we got home I took some crocus shots while the sun was on them, then did a quick change and took Geordie along to Suzy`s, who very kindly offered to look after Geordie while I was out this afternoon.

Then back through Pittenweem to pick up Gary to go to a funeral at Kirkcaldy.  It was the funeral of a friend`s mum.  When we came out of the crematorium the next funeral was waiting to go in, which was for my ex-husband`s brother-in-law, so I knew many of the mourners.  Their number included my sons, Bruce and Don, (Grant couldn`t be there as he has Covid), so we had time to exchange a quick hug.

Back to a hotel after that for a cuppa and to hear stories about our friend`s mum.  Really good to hear.
Then home via a supermarket for a bit of shopping.  When I arrived at Suzy`s I was invited to stay to tea, which I happily accepted.

I`m finally home and it feels like it`s been a very long day.
Completed  Wordle and Quordle today.

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