Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Glorious golden daffodils.

The Feast Day of St Walburga.
Also St. Ethelbert of Kent.
There is an art to staying mostly indoors. It is partly to do with being rather than doing. Not that being a retired teacher and now a housewife means I do nothing. The indoors life, firstly due to the pandemic and now due to cold weather, is not too restricted. I write, pray, study, step count, make meals, do some indoor photography, read, do housework and enjoy some limited TV and Social Media. Crochet is a favourite pastime but not every day. If we are blessed with some milder suitable weather, Paul and me would enjoy a canal walk.
Arthur prefers the indoor warmth so he is a wonderful feline companion.
Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting my site today.

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