
Thank you all for your lovely comments stars and heart's for the Jedi yesterday. And for your support.  It's a long road for a proper diagnosis and to see everyone that he needs to see. But if we wait too long we will go private again like we did for Xander. Just to see a speech therapist where we live has a two year plus waiting list. 

Harp wanted to go to Carson's playgroup this morning so I kept her off nursery. She has a lovely time at playgroup and plays with a older boy that goes. And it's good for Carson as he does socialise with her when he wants too. He was in his element today as it was a mini party and they had party food. 

The boys had a good day at school. Xander nipped away for a doctor appointment. Mr R said the doctor seemed quite dismissive so I shall try and get him back in next week. 

My extra is of our day yesterday. We had a fantastic family day. I nearly got us lost in the woods . But there was river play, hide and seek, lots of walking and we finished off at the awesome park. 

Thanks you all again. X 

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