Wild Beauty
Loads of these tiny Barbary Nuts (a species of low growing iris) appearing all over our Land. Suddenly realised the light was going, so ended up lying on the ground to get light through the petals, love the lilac colour at the base of the flowers.
Energia came up with a great list of good news today, do read it if you're feeling down. We were especially intrigued with the one about Irish fishermen beating the Russian navy, so we googled it, good story.
- working outside a lot today: amongst other tasks, Mike made a sort of raised bed, and I planted two packets of sweet peas along our new garden fence, love sweet peas, hope they succeed!
- the soil we've made, wouldn't have been able to plant the sweet peas without it, we really just have rock and stones out there
- FaceTimes with our kids, several times, actually
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