Mind Reader
A Gallery of Thoughts
Yay Miffy! Feeling happy. Blue walls. Yellow
curtains. Red bedspread. Just occasionally
I think I’d be better off dead. I don’t like
buses. Look at that poor girl’s birthmark.
I wonder if I dare ask Mark out. My husband
and I. We need a holiday. Things I can’t stand?
Red socks. A bright pink shirt. Love
is a strange thing. How does one know?
Jane looked funny in her flip-flops
running in the rain. My thoughts often arrive
before me. I live for love. Heavens above!
What a gorgeous bloke. Grrrr! My brain is mush.
Blaauw! This whole thing is a mess. I’m blessed.
Truly blessed. How did I get this embarrassing
stain on my trousers? Winkle
pickers. Do you remember them? Liam is a
joke. The whole time we sat there with our
drinks Melissa never spoke. I sprinkle
icing sugar all over mine. ‘Time it was and
what a time it was.’ That’s a line from a
song. Simon & Garfunkel. Art’s a mystery
to me. Why all those letters? Did I mention
I still have nightmares about taking my history
exam? That’s it. The End. Shall we go and
Art by Bernard Barnes
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