
By Eldora19


A beautiful drive this morning for drop off, the wood fire smoke pouring out of people’s chimneys and into the misty bay was really something. I drove up to the pharmacist and big shop, admiring the big blue sky on the way. Spent a lot of the day sitting in the garden watching birds and thinking about Ukraine, trying to process what people are experiencing. I sat a few metres from the bird feeder and watched the blue tits, coal tits and robins, I love listening to all the different sounds they make. A sparrowhawk swooped right in front of me and chased a chaffinch, I didn’t see if it got caught. I could hear tawny owls in the woods, very strange to hear in the day. Jess and I walked out of the small headland past our garden and we looked out to sea. I sat on the grass with my binoculars and had a chat in my mind with my grandad who I inherited them from. A pair of eagles flew overhead, they come down quite close for a look when they spot you. Can you spot the eagle in my blip?

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