St David’s Day 2022

In a previous life I wore leeks and daffodils on my suit lapels in deference to my Welsh colleagues on 1st March.

Today I learnt about St David through the young contributors on CBBC’s Newsround. I was also watching this programme, which our grandchildren watch avidly, so that I would know what they knew about the war in Ukraine. The programme presented the news very appropriately for its young audience.

My colleagues in Budapest are showing resilience in the face of the war taking place just over their border in Ukraine. My former colleagues in Poland are very worried indeed.

It was a cloudy cold day today. We went for a walk and came home to listen to Blipper ArcLight on Women’s Hour. It was a very impressive listen.

My Blip is a combination, first, of a St David’s Day daffodil. As you can see it’s bowed but not beaten. Second, the daffodil’s yellow against the blue on the map on my study wall represents the Ukrainian flag. Ukraine itself is prominent on the map and we must all continue to believe that its national boundaries remain intact.

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