Living my dream

By Mima


This hay paddock on friends’ property has been cut very late this year.

There are three thing which have contributed to all local hay and corn crops being harvested late: a lack of dry weather windows in this wettest of summers; a lack of drivers and operators of agricultural machinery thanks to our borders being closed to seasonal workers from Europe and America; Covid spreading amongst farm workers.

Chatting with a farmer today, he reckons some wheat and maize crops will not be harvested at all.

I spent most of the day driving a couple of hours up - and back down - State Highway 1, playing my part in a relay to deliver a friend home from his cataract surgery in Christchurch. It was good to be able to help.

Bean was in the back of the car all that time and there were hourly pit stops to give her (and me) a leg-stretch. Once home the priority was a proper walk at full-speed to blow away the car-induced cobwebs.

Tomorrow will be an outdoor day, in the garden, no car!

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