By lizzie_birkett


Another day of trying to distract myself from the dreadful war, and that makes me feel guilty because I have my home and belongings while so many have lost theirs and have nowhere safe to go.
On the radio and on TV there were interviews with people sheltering underground in the train stations, trying to keep their children safe and as happy as they can in such circumstances. 

It's been another rainy day so it was indoor activities.
I finished my sunflower picture. 
Blipper friend Amanda phoned me today and we had a lovely chat. It’s the first time we’ve spoken so now I can put a voice to her Blips. 
Tonight I went back to dancing class. In ballet I kept getting cramp in my toes when I had to point them, I think it’s because I tense up when I do it.
I felt I was getting the hang of the positions better though even if I can’t always keep up. I like tap best.
Sabrina and Amelia are in Sheffield tonight as Amelia has another figure skating competion tomorrow morning. She has her routine perfect now and is excited. She is allowed to take time off school for competitions.  

I must go to bet now, it’s way past my bedtime and I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Goodnight Blippers :-| X


Hush my little one
You’re safe with me
Those bangs you hear
Are just thunder you see
Just the loud noise 
Of a passing storm
Cuddle in my sweet
I’ll keep you warm
See over there
Your friends are here too
And come tomorrow 
They’ll play with you
But for now little one
Just close your eyes
And I’ll sing to you
A lullaby
I’ll sing to you 
A lullaby

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