Yesterday was the start of the County Cricket Season in England.
The temperature was 6 degrees and the wind was very cold.
Not only that but, this year, cricket celebrates two sesquicentennials !

One is yellow and the other is white. Need more help . . . the first is Wisden Cricketers' Almanack, that worldwide publication dedicated to everything cricket. Full of stats, it is the bible of cricket fans.

The second is Yorkshire Cricket Club ! Over the last 150 years Yorkshire have won the County Championship more than any other county, 30 times in all.
At this point I have to come clean - Yorkshire were all out for only 96 runs - a record low against Sussex !

The good news is that the last time they were dismissed for a previous low score against Sussex they went on to win the Championship ! Oh yeah of little faith.

As the editor of Wisden, Lawrence Booth, said . . .

" . . . it is not actually true that a strong Yorkshire team has always meant a strong England - but the fact that the phrase exists at all tells you everything about Yorkshire's place in our cricketing psyche. No county regards cricket with quite the same unquestioning earnestness . . . "

As The Telegraph states . . . no other county is as admired or poked fun at . . . it is all part of the package . . . Happy Birthday Yorkshire !

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