Dark days

Enjoying my visit down south….sleeping well, eating nice, if a bit naughty, food lol!

Woke with a stiff shoulder this morning, must have slept awkwardly I think……we had visitors, Sis’s youngest, his wife and their two youngsters……lovely to see them, little Lucy gave me the biggest hug :-)

We treated ourselves to a pub lunch, had to be fish and chips, at the Prince Consort, down Victoria Park…..which is where I took todays blip…… the view across the Solent, with what was once Fawley Refinery in the background. What caught my eye was the more recent addition of the lovely memorial benches in the foreground….. a sombre reminder of what war does, pretty meaningful just now :-(

We had a sort walk after our food, boy was it cold…..colder here than home in the north west! We soon doubled back to the car and took ourselves back home, spent the rest of the afternoon watching the footy.

A light supper late evening, a bit off fizz ……more Saturday night tv, and now not long before bed time.

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