High up!

6°C  -  12 mph NNW Wind Speeds  -  18 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Day.  Did a bit of gardening  -  watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ on Blaze Channel 63 on Freeview TV  -  makes one wonder what’s possessed Putin! Shopped in Lidls and Tescos.   My sister gave me a Scratch Card a couple of Christmases ago which revealed a £2 prize  -  it’s lain on my desk for two years  -  that’s how procrastinating I can be. Anyway I decided to take it down to Tescos today to exchange it for a lottery ticket, only to be told once she’d checked it, that it was out-of-date.  ‘Bin it then’, I said☹  Work is still being done on extending the local Lidls  -  although there were no men on the crane today I thought I’d better blip it before they removed it.  The Gulls (extra) were sitting on the roof  -  obviously enjoying the sun. Interesting how cloudless the sky was to the South, and how cloudy to the West.  The price of unleaded petrol was 159.99 in Montrose today!!

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