Training day

Another brisk ride to work in the teeth of that persistent cold easterly wind that always seems to manage to turn around and still be in my face on the way home. How's that happen? The highlight was surely the puncture. Just a little one.

Spent the morning in a training session with a colleague from London. Interesting stuff on how he's using research, mainly NHS based on all that patient-centred, post-Mid-Staffs stuff, to help organisations identify and implement service improvement. Sounds dry but not to be sneezed at (well, not without disinfecting your hands after) cos I've seen his revenue figures. But sadly (if only in this respect) all the reforms in England don't apply up here so we still have a relatively Stalinist (but at least not "privatised") NHS. But then he knew that. The question for us was whether that sort of framework - some organisational self-assessment, drawing evidence from and introducing service improvement on the back of customer research - could have any applications for us in Scotland. Aye, mibbe.

But, it's Thursday. And the big question of the days is: will the new bike be ready tomorrow? Pub first.

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