Secret Stinker

When the Belgian was here in March we took a drive up to the Secret Bunker only to find it closed for the winter - due to reopen on the 15th. We'd been before. At least me and Mandy and a very young Ewan had been so that was about 8 years ago. It was not long opened and we had found it quaintly charming in its awfulness. But it was disappointing to find that it hadn't changed at all. None of the things that you'd thought surely would have been changed - those old shop window mannequins posing like haddies with badly fitted wigs and mismatched uniforms were still there. There was a general air of greater shabbiness. And it was £30 for the four of us. Ouch.

This is the radio room where you got to listen to an endless loop of that air attack warning announcement (from Protect and Survive adverts) as used by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. That, I'm afraid, was the best bit.

On to Anster for a wee stroll on the beach, a wee look at the lifeboat, some bubble blowing and then fish and chips before Mandy took the wheel and I slept the whole way home.

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