Camera Shy

By Wildstar


Ginny's 3rd session today for her Tracking Course.  They've nicknamed her The Pocket Rocket because she is so keen.  She has absolutely "got it". Should I be surprised - she's a hound so it is part of her breeding.  All dogs have exceptional scenting abilities but she has shown right from puppy days her ability and keenness to follow a track.  They set her 5 tracks today, one very long and the last one with a cross wind but it didn't phase her she accomplished them very swiftly with virtually no deviation. hesitation or repetition....oops I've slipped int Radio 4 "Just a Minute" mode.  We will be covering passive indication next week where she will be trained to locate items on the track and stop to indicate to her handler (me) that she has done this by standing motionless for a count of something - not sure how long yet.  All I know is that there is no cajoling or persuading her to take part in this - she seems to already recognise the journey we make to get to the training centre and her excitement starts to build as we get near.  Looking forward to the next stage.
Apparently although she is physically active on the course it is the brainwork involved that can leave them tired and so they recommend leaving them to rest up for a while when they get's Blip!

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