Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Water droplets on a daff

Damp and miserable day, but we had quite a nice one. Very lazy start and chocolate croissants for breakfast around 9am. A bit of a play and then we headed to the library at W's request.

Books returned and new ones chosen we headed to the pool. William pushing the boundaries all the time getting changed. About ten mins family swim, then W went for his lesson while C and I messed around in the deep end. Ten more mins of playing after W's lesson then out to the showers. W actually stood under a shower but refused to have 'magic bubbles' under any circumstances. More pushing boundaries getting changed resulted in Mummy having a sore jaw and a blood blister on her tongue. All accidental but it did nothing to improve my mood.

Lunch in the café was supposed to be a treat but W was a pain and wouldn't sit still, wouldn't eat unless spoon fed etc.

Once home we did C's spellings and then I let them have Cbeebies for the first time this week. While they stared gormlessly at the box I ran around packing for our trip to Devon.

Bedtime was unpleasant for many reasons that I won't go into here, but finished with a big three people cuddle and kiss which always makes them giggle and a big cuddle for Mummy from both her babies separately. Just what I needed.

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