Pig menu

The local campsite restaurant does a pgimenu at this time of year and a goat one in April. This means that one gets an eight course meal, sox if which are pig based - and they could make a pig-flavoured icecream Iam sure they would. Thow in an aperatif, half a litre of red and some of Monsieurs' green stuff and one hets change from £70.
It does need to be walked off and this is Tricia striding off into the ditance as we start the trek back home - all of 2km.
En route we got adopted by a kid (of the goat variety) which started following us. We set Ruadh on her and the kid promptly head butted the dog and she retired a spent force. In the endTricia had to walk the kid back to the farmer to stop it following us all the way home.....

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