The Radiator Bed-Thing

...Is adequate for purpose after all, Humans! I did not like the look of it. I did not like the shade one little bit, and the texture was....sheepy. 

I thought it would do for wiping my paws after a litter visit though, and today it was warm...soooo waarrrmmm... and really cosy, like a snuggle with my siblings and our mummy cat from whom we were so cruelly snatched at far too young an age. I lay down for a few seconds and next thing I knew I was asleep! I'd only been up an hour or so as well! It was only the sound of my human servants' gabbling voices that stopped me sleeping even longer. I may visit again! 

I also tried a kip on that other thing they bought (See Extra). The sunshine was sweet and warming but... the Thing is still weird. I didn't stay long.

She said she was going to go out today and take photos, but she has spent all day waving dusters around and running that loud, sucky machine - I don't know what fun she sees in that!

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