Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

First purple sprouting broccoli and pond weeding

I've checked my broccoli plants a few times in the last week and none was ready so it was a great surprise to be able to pick some this evening. I also picked a few leaves for my friend's Guinea pigs, who are big fans of brassicas!

Now that new growth is showing in the pond, I thought it'd be a good idea to cut some of the dead stems of waterlily and other pond plants - the middle section is quite hard to reach and I nearly dropped my secateurs in the water!

I've also cleared some plant debris and leaves and will leave them by the edge for a few days to give any wildlife attached to it the chance to crawl back into the water.

Still no frogspawn - temperatures have been going up and down but they're forecast to be more consistent at the weekend so shouldn't be too long now.

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