Laboscope app
Okay. My idea yesterday was to use my portable security lights.
Some weeks ago I bought these solar powered security lights. But where I needed to put them, doesn't get the sun in the day. I needed them for the Amazon delivery guy who often doesn't reach me until the hours of darkness. And so when I am expecting them, the security light is placed inside the window (it still triggers off for someone outside), to allow them to see. It is actually a good system not to fix them, and recharge them in the sunniest window. And I can also use them indoors. I have a couple placed on the way from my bedroom to the bathroom, and so my night time visits to the bathroom are lit up automatically for me without me ending up turning 3 electric lights on. Definitely an economy measure in these days of fuel bill hikes!
So, I arranged the portable security lights last night around my thatched swing. The idea that it might startle Foxy Loxy, so he will eventually stay away. Last night, not only did he leave his visiting card, he was leaving his scent in my garden, and left it on the cushions on my swing. It all stunk to high heaven this morning. Also he dug up a pot of daffodils (I had buried them in the soil to see if I wanted them there, or if I wanted to move them to another location). Foxy Loxy moved the whole pot of daffodils to another location up the garden path without spilling a daffodil.
It took me awhile placing the security lights, because they couldn't be within reach of Foxy Loxy because of his propensity for relocating items in my garden. I had visions of Foxy Loxy walking down the street, lighting the way with my security light in his mouth.
Did my idea work? I don't think so. Despite the lights coming on, Foxy Loxy also took Popeye's very large teddy bear he used to sleep on when he was on my swing (it is a huge wooden swing for 3 or 4 people), and relocated that in my garden as well. Obviously with the security lights going on and off my sleep was disturbed last night. Got glimpses of a tail but that was about it.
I am busy today, but tonight before I lock up, I will be repositioning those security lights, and I will be scent marking as well. Google tells me to spray white vinegar...
I have plenty of white vinegar, I use it for cleaning.
Creative today. Took a photo with the Laboscope app in my garden to make a kaleidoscope. I worked on it a bit in Procreate for Popeye (I could have done it a bit better but I am running out of time), and then name and frame in Snapseed.
Do what you need to do today.
More coffee and tea and a shower needed here...
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