
Well Harp went to sleep in her bed last night and lasted until just after 1am when she came in with us. She didn't sleep well as her nose was all stuffy. But at least she slept in a bed and not the floor. 

Once the bigger ones had left I took the two wee ones a walk to Tesco for some supplies. 
When Carson was napping I made homemade falafels and cooked them in my new ninja. It's awesome. It's a 9.5 litre double tray . 

I did some music with Carson and Harp in the afternoon. We had the guitar, the ukulele and a small drum out. This kept carson entertained for a while and I've just let him strum along to my guitar the test of the day. It's lying on the sofa for him to use. He sang to his daddy when he dropped the big ones home. 
They had a good time at school and the bonus is there is no homework tonight as I got Xander to do some this morning. 

Harp is being stubborn and refusing her dinner. She will get a shock when the others get a snack and she won't . But I won't give in. 

This morning they were cute together and played with the shop that we have. I captured this moment as the Jedi interacted for a few minutes. And then he went and did his own thing. 

It's been a good day. 

On another note. The article I posted yesterday, some people stop their children from stimming. I only do that with Carson if he's in danger..... Like when he does it at the top of the massive slide at dalscone. The rest of the time I leave him to it so he can self regulate . 

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