
A very productive morning around the house. I had pancakes made and ironing done by 7am. I also tackled Harps room today. She hasn't slept in her bed for weeks and chooses to sleep on the floor. I'm hoping the change in her room will be quite positive and she will want to sleep back in her bed. 

It was also a morning of chatting to Educational visitors, health visitor ( finally after trying to get a hold of them for two weeks ) and speech therapist. 
My EV friend is lovely. She was Xander's Ev a few years ago and then we became friends. She's so laid back, has a great sense of humour, is a bit of a sci fi geek like me and has the most amazing amount of knowledge on autism and other developmental issues. So she doesn't mind if I drop her a phone call . She gave me lots of ideas that I could use for Carson. One being activities for shared attention. Even for a minute. If it's not his music, or baby shark he's not interested so I'm starting off small with him. 

Harp had a great day at nursery. We practiced her counting in the way home. She did to one hundred. 
Carson and her were very happy to watch this piece of machinery. They're building houses not far from us so it's quite a busy spot and lots to see. 

The boys had a good day at school. They have homework to do after dinner. Xander has reading. 

I've added a link about what stimming is. As some people were asking. 
Thanks for all your lovely and supportive comments. X 


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