A lorry load of neeps...

Another dry day
Everything fed then nabbed Kev to help chuck tyres off the silage pit and roll the plastic sheet back. This will be the last time as very near the back of the shed now.
Then set him on mucking out and bedding while I bagged up feed and various other jobs.
This lorry load of turnips arrived in tonight from Aberdeenshire, the load that was meant to come from Berwick never materialised. They are costing £50/tonne which is a steep price,a lot of which is the haulage. We used to grow our own crop,about 30 acres ,but the cost of growing them,the banning of a lot of the chemicals used to control weeds and pests needed to have a viable crop,the hassle of lifting them with our kit which was well passed its best and couldn't justify the cost of buying new all led to us just buying a few loads at lambing time now.
These artic tipper lorries always worry me when they are at full height. If they are not sitting level they are very easy to cowp.

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