new hellebore, new blossom

This is my Glenda Gloss hellebore. There is now a second tete-a-tete daffodil open. The other blossoms on the first hellebore are open and look gorgeous. Unlike most hellebores they are upright. We've entered the exciting phase!

The news is very bad. Here is some that isn't:

Russians are discovering and using VPNs. One of them, Tunnel Bear, posted on Twitter, "In order to ensure protest organizers, journalists and at risk individuals have access to a safe and informed internet, we've opened up our network to provide anyone connecting from Russia 10GB of tunnelling.

Stay safe, say no to war."

Amazon will stop sending products to Russia and has cut off Prime Video.

Deere suspended shipment of farm equipment to Russia and Belarus.

What can I tell you that is cool? There is hemp insulation. I don't know if it is mouse resistant. Companies in Canada say it is but I can't find any scientific citation and - there is hemp bedding for your pet rat so .... No off-gassing. Smells like grass. Helps moderate humidity. Stays in place through friction because it is so dense. Doesn't require any protective equipment or clothing while installing.

The world is made of up people who have been to Iceland and people who want to go to Iceland. Yesterday I talked with someone who just went with her daughter. Number one thing she recommended was going to the Blue Lagoon. Second thing she recommended was going to eat lunch there afterwards. What are we doing as soon as we arrive in Iceland? Yessssssss

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