Finding a New Path....

....on an old haunt.
We used to walk often with Ozzie here. It was several acres of land which was slated for another phase of the subdivision where Dana lives until the housing bubble of 2008 burst and the developer went bankrupt. This left us with one of the few hilly grassy spaces in the county where the dogs were free to run. This lasted for several years until the economy recovered and another developer bought the property, put a fence around it and built the houses that can be seen at the top of this picture. They left a narrow corridor which is supposed to be 'open space' but the path became eroded, the grass grew over it and the property owner who had a road down to the head of the little seasonal creek put up a 'no trespassing' sign.

Everything has now changed again due to pestilence and fire. Nobody has built anything there, but the road still exists so we decided to go down it and see how far we could get. The old path we used to take has disappeared but it looks like at least a few people have made new incursions. Spike did better than we did. As we picked our way through the uneven ground with holes and rocks hidden by grass he just jumped over things. He may be blind, but he is still a springer!

This isn't a very good picture, but I'm recording it for posterity since it was fun to have space close to home where Spike could run
I am now going to one class a week in the Pilates studio. It's nice to be back with people again, and I'm getting to know the woman who takes the reformer next to mine. We were commenting on how funny it is that although the equipment doesn't have our names on it, we always take the same places every week. That always used to be true too when I was teaching yoga classes. It was easier to learn people's names but one class two men, one of whom was my neighbor, got into a physical fight over 'their' space. 

I went into 'mom mode', made them stand on opposite sides of the room and got through the rest of the class but I was devastated. How could I let something like that happen in a yoga class? I was ready to quit teaching when the neighbor came to the house apologized profusely and promised it would never happen again. I kept teaching, the neighbor continued to come to the class and I never saw the other fellow or his girlfriend, again. She had been a regular student who had brought him to the class for the first time.

David called to say that he is coming tomorrow to start on the remodel of our bathroom. We are still debating on whether to move the clothes out of our closet. He will be installing the new hanging toilet (with the tank in the wall) and covering the pebbles in the shower with regular tile. We had the pebbles installed but have never liked them, especially the ones underfoot. We have three pieces of the 'carpet' tile left over from the guest bath  which we will put around the new toilet. 

We are hopeful that David's estimate of a week and a half to do it will prove to be the case....

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