
By zippyhippy

Nutritional Strategy

Back to the coalface today after my two day hiatus. Feeling much better now but going to continue with the bland food for another day or so as I still have no real appetite.

Looking forward to my long bike ride tomorrow with my bike buddy. Last week he had filled his platypus with a lovely tasting liquid so I decided that I would do the same and purchased this powder to add to my mine. I only ever drink water while doing exercise so will see if this makes any difference whatsoever. It should as it is full of carbohydrates which in theory will give me a wee refuel. I don't usually exercise for a long enough period of time to necessitate a nutritional strategy but cycling for 3 hours on a bowl of porridge alone is probably not the best idea. I will also take along some Simnel cake because any nutritional strategy should always include cake!

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