An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Love in the morning

This cat is quickly becoming more spoilt than the others ever were! She is allowed to sleep on beds and my daughter's is her favourite (Fleesey blanket = cat heaven).

Another amazingly warm and sunny Autumn day. Went down to the local council owned community farm (Edendale) for an hour or two this afternoon and bought a couple of plants and almost blipped some chickens or the goat. (I did not know that billy goats had the unusual talent of being able to gargle with their own wee in a bid to attract the ladies... don't know whether to be flattered or offended that he thought I might like to watch this amazing feat...) My daughter knew this, having been on a school visit just a few weeks ago. Strange the things children neglect to tell you about what they learnt at school!

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