Yay! Archie is back. His folks relocated to Norfolk in the middle of the pandemic. They were fabulous customers and I was gutted as Archie was one of my favourites. However his Dad still works locally and now things are going back to normal ish he's renting a property up here to use when he has to be in the office. So every now and then Arch will be back on his walks. I was so excited to see him. I think he remembers me. He's still just the same. 

Busy busy day. Three walks to do. I had two new greyhounds to walk at lunchtime. They are rescues-one has been horribly abused- and it was the first time the owner had left them for the day. We used to walk her old grey hound a few years ago but she sadly lost her in very sad circumstances. A large dog attacked her. She was so shaken up that a few days after the attack she had a stroke and had to be PTS. 

She was really worried about leaving them today and very concerned about timings etc. I don't normally like giving specific times to customers as you never know what crops up so my times are always very 'ish', but this customer wanted a specific time. She's done a brilliant job rehabilitating them so I meticulously planned my day around them! It worked out ok but it did make me feel a bit stressed. 

Added complication today is that Jack is very lame and is on box rest so have had extra yard jobs today as well.

Basically he looked a bit footy yesterday morning. The grass is coming through and he's v sensitive to any changes so I decided to keep him in for a couple of days. He had some turn out time in the lunge pen and seemed ok. I rode Buddy then put Jack back in his stable and went home to get Eva to ride. Got back and shoved his tack on and he basically came hopping out of his stable. Can't understand how he was fine on his hinds at 1.30(had just been a bit poddly on his fronts in the morning) then hopping lame at 4pm when he'd just been in the stable. My first thought was an abscess. His leg had swollen though which can happen depending on where it is. So I asked my farrier to come today and do a hoof check. Basically everything is ok so it is a swelling we're dealing with. Rich pointed out it's his wonky leg- we had some lameness about 4 months ago but not as extreme as this so if it's going to reoccur due to his confirmation and the way he compensates then we might need to put back shoes on to correct it. He's only got front shoes as he does very little road work. Hopefully we can get him right soon as we have lots planned for this year. Hate it when my Neds are not right. 

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