Thursday: These Two!

We were out and about this morning sourcing things to calm Barney down for his impending journey (based on our experience of being in the car with him yesterday for 40 minutes - you would have thought he was at death’s door, the way he was carrying on).  Anyway, we think we have something so fingers crossed.

We met up with V&E for a lovely Vietnamese lunch today.  They then came back to admire our achingly trendy Airbnb.  While walking back to the car they spotted that I had been engaging in some graffiti to pass the time.

There were tears (mainly from me) when it came to saying goodbye.  We adore these two.  They were the first people we ever knew here, even predating our move to Vancouver, so it’s fitting they should be our last goodbye.  We are going to miss them terribly…….until today I could cling onto still having things to do in Vancouver and a few bits and bobs to take care of, but it now really is over.  We’re trying to focus positively on forthcoming adventures but we really will miss it.  

A few final pints at Portland Craft and an unexciting takeaway dinner.  Up early tomorrow for travels.  We’re currently trying to sort out wifi in our new home so it may be a few days before I update you…….

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