... and then there were four

6.0C with light rain all morning. Drying up after lunch still grey.

I planted up some Dwarf French Bean seeds and Leek seeds in modules this morning. All watered and in place in the greenhouse. Thats probably all the gardening for this week, but it is good to have the greenhouse back in use. There are just a few more types of seed to buy and get going, and I need some bags of compost for my big containers that are used for second early potatoes. I have some 'chitting' beside the back window in the garage.

After lunch Maeve the Deerhound went for our walk. As we walked towards the church we could hear helicopters. Easily spotted almost directly overhead was what looked like a Navy Wessex helicopter, then as we headed towards the top of the field with the bridle path there was a Chinook heading towards the Condor Marine base in Arbroath.

Walking down the field towards the shore we could clearly see the reason for the helicopter activity. Out on the horizon were three ships. To the East and nearest Arbroath was HMS Illustrious, one of three Invincible-class light aircraft carriers belonging to our Navy. Then there was HMS Bulwark, an Albion-class landing platform dock (an amphibious assault warship). Lastly HNLMS Rotterdam, a Landing Platform Dock amphibious warfare ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Part of Operation Joint Warrior, which happens regularly in the seas round the UK, it is likely that the firing range at Barry Buddon near Carnoustie will be invaded by the Marines with a beach landing. It can get quite noisy round here :-)

I did take some pictures but the ships just looked like tiny shapes on the horizon, although they were easily seen without binoculars. I got the details from the AIS ship movements website when we got home.

There were some people on the beach today, two with dogs. One of the dogs was in the sea. Just one person at the Fishermen's huts who was locking up and leaving as I arrived. Maeve and I had a quick look for potential blips. Last time I took a picture of this wooden frame there were three floats, today there were four :-)

There were a few people at the car park at Westhaven, All looking out to sea. They must have found out about the naval exercise somehow and come along to see the ships.

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