
9.5C with mist over the fields and the sea, trying to brighten in the afternoon. Light breeze.

I forgot to ask on Friday if anyone had watched ('on the red button') or listened (on Radio 2) to the concert with Caro Emerald on Thursday evening. I thought it was really good :-)

It has been trying to be bright today, but there is a persistent mist over the fields and out to sea. Little breeze to move the mist so we are stuck with reduced visibility. I can just make out the sea by a difference in grey tone from the sky when I look out my office window here at home.

After lunch Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk. We went round the usual route. In the top quarter of the field next to the bridle path where I had noticed tractors ploughing the deep furrows for potato planting, the planting was in full swing. There were even more tractors than they had recently in the bottom quarter.

My blip today was taken through a gap in the hedge at the side of the bridle path, pointing back towards the road that runs down the side of our house to the shore. Pretty much directly opposite the spot from which I got the light against dark blip recently and half a mile from where I stood looking through another hawthorn hedge to take that shot. Maeve had a slow wander down the bridle path on her own as I was taking the shots from which I chose the blip.

I have been watching the highlights from the US Masters golf on telly. Controversy will no doubt rage on the two penalty shots given to Tiger Woods for the 'incorrect drop' he made after his ball went into the water yesterday on the 15th hole. Hindsight will no doubt quote Tiger himself in his description of the location of the drop, giving away the fact that he did break the rules by not dropping the ball as close as he could to where he had played his previous shot. A bit of 'wriggling' by the committee has avoided them having to disqualify the world number one ! Play continues ...

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