Some Days….

….Are worse than others, we can often get caught up in our own dramas and forget that others are having worse days, some the worse of their lives. So it proved today, the house phone rang which is usually cold callers or scammers but it was the daughter of one of my dearest friends, Tony, to let me know that in Naval terms he had “Crossed The Bar”.
Tony was older than me, he joined the Royal Navy for his National Service which should give you an indication of his age. Tall, at well over six feet even in his eighties, he had an oldy-worldy charm to go with the twinkle in his eye, courtesy and charm to spare and was a gentleman in every sense of the world.
I used to see Tony monthly at our branch meetings and since the pandemic started way back and our meetings were suspended  I spoke to him regularly, at least monthly sometimes more often. Given our ages I also wrote, I know old fashioned, a card or a letter every month was enclosed with my used copy of the Navy News which I forwarded to him.

He was my friend and I will miss him.

Todays photo is of the entrance to Pendennis Castle, another landmark passed on another Paddy & Mick walk.

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