One Slip, No Trips Or Falls

Rick Stein Eggs with a twist served with sourdough bread for breakfast, went down very well, Mrs S approved and that’s what counts.
We then unpacked our replacement kitchen lights the plan is to move away from the single bulb and shade in the centre of the room to the multi type where you hook the lights above the place you need them and they are fed from a single point.
Aside from a break to sort the post match meal at the rugby club it went well.

Unlike the cooking, four large trays of pre-prepared lasagne in a normal domestic oven, that didn’t go so well. Equipment that would have made life that little easier couldn't be found which resulted in one tray being dropped during the transfer to the serving trolley. No one hurt just the loss of 25% of the food. A couple of friends offered to serve and clean up, I headed back home to finish off.

Pizza with coleslaw, and dough balls with garlic butter for dinner before settling down to watch “Railway Children, The Return”,

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