Don’t Rain on my Parade

After an enjoyable gig last night, I treated myself to a bit of a lie-in this morning, even though it hadn’t been a particularly late finish. But I did need a few bits from the shops before lunch so decided to walk down into town, rather than take the car to Asda. Even though Booths is more expensive for groceries, any savings at Asda are now cancelled by the cost of the fuel to get there!
The skies were quite grey, but rain wasn’t actually forecast, so thought I’d be ok. Approaching the town hall I noticed a police officer controlling the traffic and a lack of cars coming up Highgate. Initial thought was that the Extinction Rebellion people, who were in town yesterday, were holding a protest but the truth was a little more prosaic as it was the end of the Mayor’s Parade. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill, he was in position outside the Town Hall to take the salute from the various organisations. Of course, I didn’t know this at the time but spotted a friend in the ranks of the parade who filled me in as to what was happening.
Things could have turned interesting at one point as a small black Fiat totally misunderstood the police officers signals and turned right into Highgate. Not only was this through two “No Entry” signs and going the wrong way down a one way street, but it was heading straight for the oncoming parade. Fortunately someone managed to divert it into a lay-by, albeit still facing the wrong way. When I looked a little while later it had been turned round and was now facing the right way. No indication as to whether the driver got a ticket though.
And whilst the rain may not have affected the parade - or my walk home - it did finally arrive later this afternoon, putting paid to any vague notions I had of mowing the lawn. I am not exactly heartbroken by this turn of events as it means I can just sit back and spend a very pleasant couple of hours listening to “Sounds of the 70s” on Radio 2.

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