
That’s not too bad, it’s the only damage we have suffered in the high winds of the preceding weeks and the panels have been there for over twenty-five years.
The post isolation shopping list grows longer.

More bad news - the Blips of the last couple of days do not make the ‘good news’ slot and so it continues today. Mrs S, Sam and I sat at the dining table and did our Lateral Flow Tests following five complete days of isolation - we all returned positive results, we remain isolated and will test again either tomorrow or Tuesday.
If you have seen the film Papillon I have visions of us emerging looking like Steve McQueen or Dustin Hoffman’s characters, long haired, bearded, discoloured teeth and blinded by sunlight into a changed world.
Essential foodstuffs have been re supplied by friends, first up Crème Eggs from Christine, I’ve never seen anyone as excited as Mrs S over small chocolate treats. Next to call to the door was Lucy with chocolate hot x buns, more my style. Knowing both Christine and Lucy I’m surprised they didn’t stand back with the goodies hanging from a litter picker.

A couple of miles on our circular route for Paddy and I while the Sunday roast cooked.

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