Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I’ve made a cat balcony for Dylan. Even put his bed out there today in this fine spring weather. People stop and take pictures of him. Tag that cat.

On the subject of weather - It’s still raining shit in the Ukraine. 

I worked, did domestic duty, read a bit, tried (unsuccessfully) to chill out. I watch people going about their business and can’t understand why they seem so relaxed. It’s the end of the f***ing world. 

George Orwell (when a policeman in Burma) escorted a man to the gallows and noticed how he avoided stepping in a puddle as he walked to his appointment with the rope. Feels like a metaphor for humanity in the 21st century.

Quote from Captain Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth:

“Made a note in my diary on the way here. Simply says, ‘bugger’.”

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