And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


A dismal day inside and out.

Sorry guys, read an article last night about a lady with mental illness it was in the WW magazine and it totally took me by surprise as I have most of the symptoms. I now think I know what I have and I dont like it, its a relief in a way because I finally have a name for it and im too ashamed to say what it is at the moment. I just need a diagnoses but we will see. Im annoyed that all the professionals I have seen over the years since I was 12 have not picked up on this I feel let down. Im now 30.

I feel low have done for 2 days and its getting steadily worse, Im so angry at times and if you knew me you would no its just not my nature, im not angry outwardly just keep it all in. I feel like im walking round with a vale on at the moment and Dave dont know what to say. I need a shower and I cant be bothered. I managed 4 walks today 3 of which were on my own im sticking to diet really well and im enjoying walking so this is at least good. Its hard to comprehend though as I said before when I feel low I normally want to drink lots of wine and eat lots of junk till I feel sick but not this time, so I must be improving in some ways.

love c xxx

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