And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

hey guys a big thanks to all but one of you for all your supportive comments :) am I too sensitive? always been told I am through out my life.

I missed a blip yesterday but feeling slightly better today must because I slept 10 hours last night very unlike my usual 4hours so felt refreshed this morning and I feel like the dark cloud is lifting. The diet is still going well and managed 3 walks today 2 of which were on my own I had to drag Ash out on his last walk lol well not drag we dont use a lead, trained him well, he enjoyed it once we got going. He chased sticks and the odd fly he is obsessed with catching and eating flies lol cant imagine the will do him much harm :/ lol

I used the black and white setting on my camera for first time, there was nothing much to blip but I didn't want to miss another day.

made a gammon for tea with chips egg and peas it was so nice even though I dont usually go for gammon. Will be cooking it again soon. Ash enjoyed a slice too :) not too long now till are break away so looking forward :)

Thanks again guys

love c x x x

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