Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Dwarf Daffodils

Back blip due to tv issues.

A bright sunny start to the day. Very warm in the sunshine, so the windows are open. Just a few niggling issues at work.

A nice walk at lunchtime, it feels warm outside as well. Spring is well and truly on the way. The early snowdrops arestaring to fade, crocii are in full flower, and daffodils are starting to appear, and some are in flower like these dwarf daffodils. Aconites are all gone.

The clouds moved in in the afternoon, and the rain started about 3:20, so that was the after work ride scuppered. The did go off a little just before 5, so I went for a walk.

Didn't get to blip as I was looking for a replacement tv. I don't need a smart tv.

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