The day to start is today

By Traci

The early bird gets the worm

but the second mouse gets the cheese

I have had a computer marathon day. I wasn't able to throw out a bag of anything (easter challenge still going well though) but I threw out the equivalent of virtual rubbish.

I worked on my e mails - oldest first !!! Those little horrors still lurking undealt with, at the bottom of the list, just waiting, for that time when everything that arrives after has been 'filed' and then I can get to it. So reverse attack and now I have a very tidy inbox, a whole diary of updates and an emptied wastepaper basket - and no trees were harmed during the process.

I also tried to sort out my online electric bill, it never seems to 'be available' and I can't get through to speak to anyone. I can see what I've used but cannot see what I've paid. Why does it have to be so complicated. I just need to see how much energy I used, what it costs, how much I paid and if there is anything owing (or in credit) four lines worth I think. The statement I could download was 5 pages long and still did not manage to give payment details ????

I also caught up on a few subscriptions and read through a few online magazines (saving trees still). I much prefer the actual paper copies, but it is great having all that choice ready and available at the press of a button.

My blip today is part of my weekly challenge - an achievement. One of my catch ups was to read the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Newsletter out for this spring. They do an amazing job and there are lot of local fundraising activities that we keep an eye out for. Hubby, nearly youngest and I were out walking a few years ago (in the snow) and it turned out there had been an accident on a hazardous hill side and various emergency services turned up. I just happened to have my camera and managed to catch a few landings and take offs - sent the pictures to them to use and was thrilled when I ended up in this edition (as shown) then on the front of an issue a few months later. Quite a buzz to see your pictures in print :)

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