I'm singin' in the rain, just singin' in the...

...well, it's more of a slush than rain, but that didn't sound quite right.

This is truly what the colors look like... I swear I didn't move the saturation slider. I even decreased the vibrance slider, in LR4, a touch to help it look more realistic. Everything is WET lots of things are frozen... This is a tree branch from the other side of the house. I think the area that the bird is in is protected from the ice a bit, as it has large pine boughs a roof.

I was going to skip the birds today. You've seen plenty from me... but I couldn't resist this fella doing a pretty good Frank Sinatra impersonation. ;) Get up-close and personal with 'Frank'.

BTW the oak tree is a White Oak and is the only oak we have that retains it's dead leaves all winter. I sure am enjoying the placement of this one... a little color in my winter images is a welcomed thing!

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