Rear View

Biskit from behind.  I had made a collage (at extra) but I just had to make a blip of this shot.
A lot of work in PS was required as all my shots had an unintended soft look about them.  The next batch should be better as I have now removed the fingerprint from the lens (AGAIN! - well it’s the other side of the camera, how am I supposed to see that . . . ??).
The collage is:- ‘Rear View;  Side View;  and  “Who the heck put that hedge in the way of me seeing the intruders in the road outside - how do I know what to bark at” View’.
The weather forecast doesn’t look to good for this evening’s walk.  When I asked his mum about how many walks a day he normally gets I was told “Two, but if it rains you may have to go on the second one on your own . . .”.  We will see.

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