By lizzie_birkett

Baby Groweths!

I spent the morning in the garden tidying up and planting the tatties - in those long brown tubs - which I had to first level up on slabs and bricks. It took a while bit they’re in place now and planted up with 1st and 2nd earlies and salad potatoes. I still have more to plant but need more compost. Incidentally I got this compost which looks really good and rich and is peat free. New Horizon.
After lunch I was rained off. The Blip shows my Pepper and Tomato seedlings which I potted on, on Monday.

Great news about Nazanin coming home - though she should never have been imprisoned and the government could have paid their debts right away when she was arrested instead of her being separated from her little girl and husband. Yet another shameful act from our government.

This morning I woke up at 5am and thought of getting up but didn’t. I went back to sleep but the usual sounds stirred me from my slumber and the poem started forming in my mind.

Morning Sounds

7am the neighbour’s alarm
Beep-beep  beep-beep
These old walls are thin
The window is wide open
In No 13’s chimney pot
The Jackdaws caw and cackle
7.05 and Tom’s motorbike
Purrs down the road
I don’t need to look at the clock
Our neighbours are on the dot
Bella gallops up to sniff my face
Then coffee arrives
I’m still blissfully dozing
The starlings whistle and trill
One flies in the bathroom vent
And rattles the fan with it’s beak
As he does every morning 
I sit up, stuff pillows behind me
Drink coffee, read the paper
The 7.40 to Carlisle hoots,
Clickety-clack clickety-clack
Along the railway track
Collared Doves are coo-cooing
Sparrows cheep-cheeping
Local kids leave their houses
Calling to each other
As they head to the school bus
Car doors slam, people leave for work
It’s nearly 8 0’clock must get up
Time for the news

Goodnight :-) X

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