By lizzie_birkett

In The Club!

Not me Haha! That would be a miracle :-D))
No, we joined the SAA - an Art club. We went halves on the standard membership which is £45 per annum.
It means we get free delivery on anything we order from their extensive catalogue, a bi monthly art magazine and we also got a great book thrown in - How to Paint Watercolours plus other bits and pieces and access to on line tutorials.
We're both spending a lot of time drawing and painting and feel we need all the advice and help we can get.

Because I got all the cleaning done yesterday I could spend the day drawing and painting which was so relaxing.
I painted a Rook and a Jackdaw plus some wee sketches of children.

I also did a Morrison's order for click and collect tomorrow morning.

It's been a lovely sunny day and I sat outside on the little wall for a while to get some real Vitamin D in addition to the daily tablet I take.

Frank has been getting rid of things on FB market place. He's making room in the cellar for his new toy which me and the family have bought him for his 70th on the 25th this month.
Watch this space. A clue - my wish will be his command :-D

Nicola Sturgeon has set out the road map for up yonder.
It looks quite good but Sabrina and Amelia are disappointed as the ice rinks won't be open till end of April. Still, as I said, she is probably being extra cautious as she won't want another lockdown.

Birds in the garden included the collared doves, Jackdaws, Rooks, Starlings, sparrows, one wren and one bluetit.
The Jackdaws make a right bloomin' mess, they toss all the food out of the feeders to find what they want. I do love watching them though.

Tonight will be knitting and watching The Crown.

Hope you all had a good day too. :-)X

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