
By iaint

Freitag Abend

There's a bit of the beach bum in this Blipper. Not so much recently, but back then.

Summers in Findhorn growing up. Summers in Westhampton Beach "maturing". (That's a euphemism for making a big mess of my life, whilst having fun.)

Having accomplished the mess, then it was a bit of Med followed by a lot of South China Sea. Sea of Marmara was popular for a while, then she fell by the wayside (or did I?)

Bad news - I can't surf. Good news - never get seasick.

Ah, yes. The Blip. Bought Riding Giants on iTunes. Will keep me safe for a while from the current mass hysteria about a recently demised politician. I'm not going to pass judgement on her, but what's going on in this country this week (on both sides & in the media) is pathetic.

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