Line them up

The new recycling bin with the purple lid, for paper and cardboard, was delivered today. I blipped the instruction card which is stuck on a cupboard door in the kitchen on the 28th Feb, so we have had some practice in getting the rubbish in the correct container. We even passed the bin inspection last Friday, when they tied tags to the bins which contained the wrong items!!! I would have loved to have a peak to see what it said, but didn’t want to appear to be nosy or showing off that we had got it right!!! 

U3A meeting this morning so a similar walk as yesterday’s when I had problems. But there was a rest in the middle and I wasn’t carrying a bag of shopping. So all ok. 

The intended speaker had cancelled at short notice, so the chap that spoke was a substitute. His talk was about Sri Lanka at the time of the 2004 tsunami. He and wife no 3 had a home and business so were there at that time. 

I wasn’t that impressed, it was a bit like the olden days when people invited you to look at their holiday photographs, but there was little relevance. By the end I felt as though he was trying to flog me a cheap home in a variety of countries in the world !!! 

The tiny residences to the left in the picture are feeding stations for the hedgehogs. I put food in the front garden where they nested a couple of years ago and put biscuits in these boxes which are more secure,  in other areas. 

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