Family Dog

By Family_Dog

The Dude The Guy/ THAT Guy / The King of Wasps

Today was my penultimate day on my amazing // wonderful // informative // creative // fantastical // simply braw photography class.

I have to say I'm loving every minute of it and am slightly gutted about the fact that next week is my last week. Hang the HOOGE amounts I'm learning photography wise, I'm struggling to remember what I normaly do with my kids on a Friday.

Anyway. We spent today learning portraiture. Having spent a large chunk of time studying this , this, and this, AND after spending a good few hours taking portraits of my lovely class mates - experimenting with soft boxes and filters and the likes, I give you a quick snap of The Guy // That Guy // The King of Wasps...

Just shows you, you'll always find the perfect model when you need him...

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