And just like that...she is two.

The Pix
The Neep
Ida Doodee
Ida Two-Teas
Ida Mae Kadookie
Little Chicken
The Neepy One
The Dirty Wee Neep
Wednesday Adams
Grumpy Susan

A rather impressive list of names for such a teensy wee lass. No wonder we seem to drive her berserk most of the time.

Today, her 2nd birthday, was no exception. Grumpy Susan was most definitely in our midst for most of the day. Oooh boy, what a hum dinger of a mood. Poor Arlo tried everything to get her to stop being grumpy, which only made her more grumpy. In the end the only things that made her smile / laugh all day were:

*Being given a lovely hand made birthday crown from Arlo
*playing with her new farm
* Climbing UP the big chute at the park when told not to
*the maltesers on her cake (but not her cake)
*Bryan head banging with her pyjamas on his head

That's pretty much it. At her birthday tea she wouldn't eat anything. Instead she slammed her fork against the table and shouted 'SONG! Bifday Song!!!' And we'd all chant happy birthday to our birthday queen like the good citizens we are. Then she'd take a few spoons of food before starting the birthday song chant again.

Ooft. The terrible two's have arrived like someone's flicked a switch!

Despite all this, we did have some lovely moments today and Arlo was pleased as punch that Ida categorically refused to do anything without wearing her Birthday Crown.

Now she's off to bed I might actually get a shot of it...

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