
By Stace91

Music, Love and Light

So today is my 100th blip entry yay!!!!

Today was a great day, the weather was gorgeous :-)

This morning I went with my sister, cousin and a friend out to be fitted for bridesmaid dresses for my sisters wedding, I absolutely love the dress it is 50's vintage and stunning :-)
Then we stopped at a cafe for some lunch and girlie chat. It is sometimes the best way to spend a day, chillin with some good food and great company... These women are the best!

After lunch our friend departed one way and the rest of us went the other, we drove to the 'Holland House' which is a shop that sells different Dutch goodies and has a lot of clogs on the walls. The sweets there look amazing!! I had to control myself.

Our cousin dropped my sister and I back at my sisters house where we spent a few hours gossiping and sharing some more laughs. This is the piano in her house (yes my sisters house features a lot in my blip journal) .
Every time I go there I want to sit and play, I love the older style piano and with the L O V E and candles on top I think it is just a beautiful image of the things that are important in my life.

Music - it is great for your soul and well being
Love - the love from family and friends that surround you every day.
Light - I think of light as a guidance and inspiration symbol. The people I meet and the friends I have all inspire me in one way or another. With career, life and how to be a better person. They guide me with decisions and after having a few bad years, going down the wrong path, it is the friends and family I have now who helped me grow. I am forever grateful.

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