Quiet Saturday

For once, the neighbour’s builders didn’t prevent me from happily pottering around in the garden today. 

The cats kept me company, and I even enjoyed an hour in the deck chair for a while. There was a cold easterly wind, but our patio is nicely sheltered. I almost fell asleep there, since I didn’t get much sleep last night (thanks to several visits by affectionate and playful cats).

Then the news pulled me back from springtime bliss to the reality of 2022.  Not just Putin’s horrendous war in Ukraine is making me sad and furious every day. On top of that, Covid-19 numbers have reached a new record high in Germany. Yet all precautionary measures will end tomorrow, thanks to the liberal democrats in our government and their idea of freedom. 

We’ll stay at home for now, and focus on daffodils and cute cats…

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